Evolution is an exciting but often stressful process. When you change and grow, it requires letting go of past patterns to create a new path forward. This can be challenging and sometimes painful as you force yourself to release things that don’t serve you to create a new reality.
During times of change your body, mind, and spirit often enter a state of flight or fight as the stress of a new situation pushes you out of your comfort zone. This requires gentle and deep work so as not to add extra cortisol and stress chemicals to your already stressed body and brain.
Rather than power yoga or high intensity cardio, treat your body to a Yin yoga class or simply use traditional yoga poses, doing longer holds to allow the body to rest and release the emotions held within. To amplify the process you can add intention-setting power stones or aromatherapy to your practice.
Try this sequence to give your body the gentle love it needs to evolve to your next level. Hold each pose for at least 3-5 minutes per side or longer for deeper release.

Get Grounded: Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Visualize what you want for your future and feel yourself in it as if it’s already happening now. Imagine what your life will be like when you live the new evolved existence you want for yourself.

Loosen Up Energy: Seated Gentle Twist
Move slowly into the twist and hold while you feel any trapped or stagnant emotions or past trauma begin to loosen and move.

Ease Into Your Flow: Cat/Cow (Marjaryasana Bitilasana)
As you move between the two, envision old or unnecessary energy coming to the surface and getting ready to move out.

Deeply Release Trapped Gunk: Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
As you relax into the pose, feel inside your body and notice where the old gunk gets stuck. Imagine a white light magnifying those areas and then dissolving those toxic chords and energetic blockages.

Give Yourself a Hug: Knees to Chest (Apanasana)
Show yourself some deep love for being brave and releasing those old emotions that don’t serve you. You are worthy and deserving of everything you want, and now you have the energetic space to make it happen.

Welcome the New: Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)
Imagine that vision of what you want entering your life and becoming real. Feel it filling up all the new open space in your body, mind, and spirit. You are evolving in real time!

Celebrate You: Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)
Smile big! Laugh out loud! You are awesome! You are amazing! The life you want is yours for the taking and you now have room for it. Yay YOU!!

Relax Into the New You: Savasana
Rest and receive the new energy and opportunities coming to your newly evolved you!