We are seeking story ideas and confirming story assignments for the upcoming Fall + Winter issue, due out October 1st.
PRIORITY is given to our Annual Partners.
The theme of the issue is INCLUSION
Think of this in terms of how we as individuals, the community, and our world can perceive INCLUSION. Think of physical, metaphysical, mental, etc.
Please pitch to the theme, and keep your ideas seasonally appropriate, if that matters, for the article.
DEADLINE for print pitches: Friday, April 12th at noon
-Articles will be assigned around May 1st
-Deadline for finalized articles will be May 31st at noon
*submissions are NOT paid unless prior arrangements have been made

PLEASE read this entire email for important information. Failure to follow instructions will result in your pitch not being accepted.
We would love to hear any ideas you have! We especially want pitches from marginalized voices highlighting the BIPOC and LGBTQA+ communities.
Please pitch to the following sections:
-Spotlight (teachers, studios, influencers)
-Lifestyle (music, books, art, community, recipes)
-Yoga + Movement (asana, movement, business, philosophy, meditation, karma)
-Health + Wellness (therapeutics, psychology, inspiration, mental health, Ayurveda, nutrition)
-Hotdish (quirky midest stories … feel free to use lots of midwest slang)
– working title
– section
– pitch (idea)
– whether or not you have images to accompany the article
– if you are a current annual partner or not (priority is given to our partners)
- PRIORITY will be given to submissions that will have original images or artwork to accompany them. Please indicate this in your pitch. ***IMPORTANT: we can not accept images from royalty-free sites such as Pixabay or Pexels because a print magazine with our distribution size does not meet their royalty free requirements. Images must be your own work, or work that you have permission to use. It can not be work you purchased through a royalty site, because that is your license not ours.
- Please send a separate email for each pitch idea you are sending
to amy @ midwestyogalife .com
- Please remember this is a pitch, do not send fully written articles.
- Pitches should be for new, never published work, and should NOT be published on your own blog etc. before the print issue comes out
Thank you we look forward to seeing your story ideas!