Sound healing has been one way I receive love from the cosmos; with this little love letter, dear reader, I share this outpouring with you. In Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field, Ervin Laszlo writes, “[Swami Vivekananda] said that the universe is an ocean of ether, made up of layer after layer of vibration of different kinds, on different planes. It is evident, he said, that those who live on the plane of a certain vibration have the power to recognize one another, but they do not recognize those that live on a plane above or below them. Yet we are all vibrations of the same world, differing only in the frequency of our vibration.”
This essential fact became the most warming universal embrace in my life. So many of us feel we do not belong where we find ourselves, or we ought to be someone different than who we are. We live in an era of mass abuse, coercion, and deception on many levels, with many damaging messages coming from the dominant culture. Many of us yearn to shift towards community, consciousness, and collaboration. Some of the wisdom I benefited from receiving reminds me that my Radiant Core is a limitless, ever-loving, immortal golden light. Whatever Source is projecting this wild hologram we live inside configured layers and layers of vibration perfectly, at just the right frequency, to allow you to emerge in the current form you find yourself in.
This is incredibly sacred wizardry. Brilliantly orchestrated absurdity. A playground of paradoxes that could drive any one of us mad! Yet, our galactic system, biosphere, ecosystem, and bodies operate by transformation, rhythm, evolution, and dissolution cycles. In these systems, there is always a tendency toward greater complexity and coherence.

I often ponder how we can explore practices and experiments that truly harmonize our inner and outer ecosystems in ways that awaken our awareness of ecology and of our sacred belonging, allowing access to an inner love so deep that more and more of the dissonant messaging – towards all marginalized and exploited folks – melts away. Sound healing, drums, the crystal bowls, the tuning forks, all the little ones that make sparkly fairy noises… all these have been a pathway for me to tap into this awareness by allowing myself to melt into an intuitive flow.
I was a percussionist growing up and always faced a challenging time with practice because I grew so frustrated with how slow I had to take the music before I could settle into a piece. I observed many musicians like me who found their way to sound healing. They noticed how liberating it is to explore music intuitively rather than with fear, rigidity, and frustration. The fear-and-control mode of the colonial Western mind does not always allow for the roadmap to be thrown out of the window, to make room for emergence.
Emergence, however, is how we are here. Currently, we are on the planet – all the layers and layers and us. Any messaging that counters your sacred belonging is not in alignment with reality, because here you are, whoever you are! Brilliant, wise, fabulous, fierce, tremendously loving, encompassing all light and all dark.
Other practices like contemplative prayer, Vedic mantras, or even affirmations can be ways for us to harness sound and our consciousness to bring about a state shift. Singing, nature sounds, laughing, making silly noises, and binaural beats are other avenues. Using sound to heal invites us to explore consciously tuning our frequency. It is my wish that we all calibrate to the frequency of the Akasha – the primary substance, unified field, the frequency of our Innermost Self, and the Self behind all this beauty!
Zaria James is a queer mystic, lifelong student of mystery, and lover of the Vedic Healing Arts & Sciences. In her work and sharing she weaves together visions of a liberated world through teachings and practices that integrate perspectives from yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), and The Akashic Records. With a passion for humanitarian ideals and practical mysticism, Zaria seeks to help transform the world in ways that help awaken humanity to its True Nature and its role in the biosphere, inviting in a new paradigm for humanity and its relationship to Earth.
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