With both uplifting and grounding qualities, twisting practices are unique. They can help with our digestion and assimilation of not only the food we eat, but also the information we consume. Twisting poses tonify the kidneys as well. The lateral postures preceding the twists make excellent preparation to gain more length in the spine, more spaciousness between the vertebrae and in the rib cage, and more access to deeper breathing. Remember to lengthen the side body before twisting, and never sacrifice breath for depth in any posture. If you feel spiritually disconnected, a twisting practice comes highly recommended.
Twisting conveys the spiritual essence of life. We revolve in this practice through stabilizing and rotating; as one part of our body anchors, another moves freely. This serves as a physical reminder to stay grounded and leave room for growth and expansion; we need both to evolve. Meditation for this practice is navel centered; focus your awareness of breath at the belly for 3-10 minutes post practice.
Details of practice:
Hold each pose for 5-10 breaths and make sure you attend to both sides in the asymmetrical poses. Feel free to modify as needed and as always, practice on an empty stomach for the most comfortable experience. Generally speaking, inhale when arms lift or extend, exhale when folding forward or twisting.

- Easy pose
- Easy pose arms extended
- Lateral stretch right
- Easy pose arms extended
- Lateral stretch left
- Easy pose with arms extended
- Table top pose
- Downward dog
- Downward dog with R leg lifted
- Low lunge (R leg)
- Pyramid pose
- Low lunge
- Low lunge with twist (L elbow to R knee)
- Down dog (repeat sequence 9-13 with L leg)
- Mountain pose
- Arms extended
- Plank
- Up dog (or cobra)
- Down dog
- Warrior II (R leg)
- Side angle (repeat 19-21 L leg)
- Wide legged stance
- Wide legged forward fold with twist (R arm down then L arm)
- Mountain pose
- Warrior I (R leg)
- Warrior III
- Revolved Half Moon
- Mountain pose (repeat 24-26 on L leg)
- Puppy dog pose
- Child’s pose
- Seated twist – R
- Seated twist – L
- Forward fold
- Rest on back
- Knees to chest
- Bridge pose
- Reclining twist – both legs together – R
- Reclining twist – both legs together – L
- Savasana
- Meditation
A dedicated teacher, guide, and humble student for over 20 years, Betsy works and learns in the spaces of Yoga, Meditation, Yoga Nidra and Spiritual Life Coaching. She believes we already have everything we need within, and each one of us is whole and complete exactly as we are. Betsy moonlights as a back-up singer in a cover band and thinks laughing might truly be the best medicine.