As you learn, grow, and evolve, I guarantee you will have successes worth celebrating and failures worth reflecting on. One day you will realize your failures, mistakes, and less-than-ideal happenings led you to your successes and next steps on your career journey.
Sometimes bad luck is actually good luck in disguise.
Upon graduating from undergrad, I was placed on the ranked waiting list for pharmacy school. I took a year off to work as a Health & Wellness Coach at a local health plan. Little did I know this little detour in my career pathway would lead me to where I am today 14 years later: establishing my own business practicing as an integrative pharmacist and health coach. I’m ultimately utilizing my knowledge and passion for lifestyle and functional medicine and the art of coaching skills to help people and organizations thrive!

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and create something new . . . the worst that can happen is you get a “no” or “not right now”.
I continuously look for new and unique opportunities to make a difference and impact in the healthcare space. I found myself pitching proposals, crafting new roles, and finding niche solutions to solve problems and add value in a novel way. Whenever I start to feel stuck and acknowledge I am not living out my purpose or utilizing my strengths in ways that fill my cup, I pivot. I think outside of the box, network with my connections, and take time to clear up how my next endeavor could fill a gap. There is power in choice. We can choose to stay stuck, or we can choose to be bold and courageous.
Go rogue every once in a while, and take action.
I would not consider myself a free spirit; however, I do have an entrepreneurial spirit. Some of my most joy-filled moments in my career involved bringing my vision to reality, taking ownership over my work, and cultivating harmony in my life. Having the space to try new things, be inspired, and dare to move on from comfortable-yet-unfulfilling work can open doors and send you off exploring paths you never knew existed.
Reflect on how past experiences shape your current decisions.
My mom passed away while I was in pharmacy school, which informed me how I want to show-up and be present for my kids while they are little. I advocate for and prioritize flexible working situations during this season of life, and found my personal and professional priorities and values in full alignment, giving me an underlying sense of peace and contentment.
Be well.
Put yourself on your priority list. Find those things in your life that make you feel alive and present – possibly yoga, a brisk walk in nature, playing on the floor with your kids, or meditation. Identify those non-negotiable items that must be present in your day in order to create the harmony you desire in your life. These small self-care habits are like puzzle pieces: once pieced together, they ultimately create the collage of your soul and outrageously joy-filled life.
Putting the puzzle pieces together.
Your experiences, knowledge, strengths, perspectives, and values inform how you curate your life, give language to who you are, and help explain the “why” behind how you choose to live. Have faith and trust in the fact that wherever you are right now, this is where you are meant to be. Looking back, you will see how this moment fits into the series of happenings leading to your future.
Take time to revel in the unpredictable and wonder-filled twists and turns of life that make you who you are today. There is only one wildly talented YOU . . . keep shining YOUR light. Whether it be a fiery blaze or soft glow, you make a difference in this world. Get curious. Create what doesn’t yet exist and pave your own path. Cultivate a growth mindset. Curate the life you want to live.
- If you could do anything you wanted knowing you could not fail, what would you choose to do?
- If you could reimagine an aspect of your life, what would that look like?
- What is one thing you can do this week to take a step towards actualizing that vision?
- Thinking about your gifts and abilities that are not currently being utilized, how can you enhance and cultivate these right now?
- What do you need more of and what do you need less of in your life to intentionally move forward towards your purpose?
Dr. Sarah Shore Anderson is the founder of ThriveRx Consulting, LLC. She designs clinical teams and strategies for novel, collaborative wellness solutions within health tech start-up companies. She utilizes her background in leadership, health coaching, managed care pharmacy, pharmaceutical outcomes, and global health and wellness engagement in the development of integrative, pharmacist-led services. Additionally, Dr. Anderson is an integrative pharmacist with the PharmToTable team where she offers functional medicine and health coaching services. With a Doctor of Pharmacy degree with an emphasis in Leadership, Dr. Anderson is a Nationally Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach and holistic herbalist.