A huge thank-you to all of the brands that have helped support our first annual Midwest Yoga Conference by donating some amazing items to our swag bags. ALL attendees and speakers will receive one of these amazing swag bags — valued at over $150 — and it’s still growing (we will continue to update as more items are added).
Grab your early bird tickets NOW: www.mnyogaconference.com

1. Vitaldiol Relief Capsules (full size, $40 value)
Relief by Vitaldiol supports the battle against aches, pains, and the general wear and tear from life. By combining the powers of CBD and Turmeric, Relief capsules offer substantial results with simple, natural ingredients. https://vitaldiol.com/products/relief-cbd-turmeric-capsule

3. Sacred Mama Organics (Sample size, $10 value)
Inspired by the rich health and beauty benefits of plant oils, we created Superfood Beauty Oil. Our lightweight formula is non-comedogenic, does not clog pores, and absorbs quickly into the skin. Our Superfood Beauty Oil works well with all skin types to nourish and hydrate the skin. https://sacredmamaorganics.com/

4. VAHDAM India (full size, $40 value)
The Turmeric Wellness detox Box consists of 4 varieties of turmeric teas blended with superfoods like ashwagandha, moringa and an array of spices, packed in pyramid-shaped tea bags which allows the ingredients to unfurl completely. A single box of each variant has 15 individually packed tea bags inside. The key active ingredient of Turmeric, ‘Curcumin’ has multiple life-enhancing properties and is packed with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. VAHDAM’s Turmeric range is blended with black pepper which is scientifically proven to increase curcumin’s bio-absorption significantly, thereby dramatically increasing the benefit of turmeric to one’s overall health. https://www.vahdam.com/products/turmeric-wellness-tea-detox-4-turmeric-teas

5. The Radiant Rhino (full size, $25 value)

6. AromaRings from Young Living Essential Oils (sample, $5 value)

7. Good Pharma (sample pack, $25 value)

8. Mastel’s Health Foods (tote bag, $5 value)

9. Breakwater Blend Organic French Roast Single-Serve coffee pack ($10 Value)

10. CoastL Studio (full size sticker, $5 value)
This is a simple reminder that waves, nature, and humans evolve over time. CoastL Studio has coastal patterns and prints to pair with your daily yoga practice so that you can add a little vacation into your every day.