Name: Jennifer Golden
Pronouns: she/her
Where are you located? (city and state): Minnetonka, MN
What gets you excited about Midwest YOGA + Life magazine?
I love the community the magazine created and am excited to see it expand beyond Minnesota into the Midwest. As the only local print publication dedicated to yoga, it brings together unique individuals all sharing a passion for wellness. In addition to being a valuable resource for yogis, it fuels collaboration between teachers, studios, artisans, and small business owners, leading to new programs and partnerships that help us all improve our well-being.
What is your vision as a cover model for Midwest YOGA + life?
As a minority who was adopted and grew up in a small Wisconsin town, representation is incredibly important to me. According to the 2022 Yoga in the World study by Yoga Alliance, minorities make up just 12% of yoga teachers and 15% of yoga studio owners in the United States. My goal as a yoga practitioner, teacher, and studio owner is to contribute to making yoga a more inclusive space where everyone feels welcome to experience its transformative powers.

How do you integrate yoga into your life/work balance?
The energetic effect of breath profoundly impacts our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Yoga taught me how to utilize different breathing techniques to get the most out of each day.
What does “harmony” (theme of the issue) mean to you?
Harmony is defined as a state of balance, agreement, or coherence between different elements. The purpose of yoga (which literally means “to yoke” or “union”) is to unite one’s individual consciousness with universal consciousness, so to me, yoga is the practice of achieving harmony – between ourselves and the universe.
What is your favorite color?
Coffee or tea?
Coffee in the morning and tea before bed.
Jennifer Golden is the co-owner of The Yoga Center Retreat in St. Louis Park, MN. She first discovered yoga in 2007 when she dropped into an Ashtanga class in Minneapolis and has practiced yoga ever since. She knew becoming a teacher would allow her to share her passion for mindful movement with others and completed her 200-hour certification in 2019. Jennifer also works full-time as a digital strategist and enjoys traveling, gardening, and baking. She lives in Minnetonka with her husband and their two sons.
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Photography by: Amy Zellmer